Razavi Heritage (Turath Razavi ) is an international, interdisciplinary journal established to promote cutting-edge research on the heritage of the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza at both national and global levels. Published in English, the journal accepts four kinds of academic papers:

  1. Original Research Article
  2. Short Article
  3. Book Review
  4. Viewpoint

Thematic Domains
Adopting an interdisciplinary lens, Razavi Heritage explores the profound connections between pilgrimage centers—such as the Razavi Shrine—religious teachings, including those of Imam Reza, and contemporary issues in human societies. Key thematic areas include: Religious and Hadith Studies, Psychology and Spirituality, Urban Sociology, Art and Architecture, Education, Urban Ecology, Library and Manuscript Studies. 

Open Access Policy
Razavi Heritage is an open-access journal compliant with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). All content is freely accessible to the public, ensuring unrestricted dissemination of knowledge.


Director-in-Charge Editor-in-Chief Technical Editor Manager